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Find a Mentor at work

Updated: Mar 19, 2024

Finding a mentor is very important because Top performers at your company are almost never just the lucky person. They are true grinders and can show you how to navigate your work environment. Now your goal is to not grind as hard

as they do but learn shortcuts that can make your life easier.

When you first start your job, look at the leaderboard. Get on every single person in the top 10’s calendar for 30 minutes. Come prepared with these questions then add your own.

a. How many outbound calls do you make a day?

b. How many meetings do you set a week?

c. Can you share your calendar so I can try and replicate a similar one?

d. How long did it take you to build your book of business?

e. Can I shadow your cold calls for the day? New customers then also how they handle problems with cold customers

F. How do you handle conversations internally? Who is your go to internal person?

Understand that their time is precious, ask to pick up the lunch bill or wakeup early to get on a call with them. There is upfront work to being an above

average salesperson. You want to make money, but you also want to have a life outside of work.


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